yukifubuki's avatar


haikyuu/voltron hell <3
392 Watchers418 Deviations

Tag why not uwu

7 min read
Some tag from vervayn <3
I am living but from 20/06 I am working so mostly time I come back home chill and go to sleep uwu i'm lazy potato...
hand is one day worse,next better
and I gained extra tun cuz I was wearing, kinesology tape on ankle and knee and yeah uwu i've stripes uwu much fashion uwu

-Write the rules in your journal entry if you are tagged
-Write 13 things about yourself
-Answer 13 questions made by the person who tagged you, and make your own 13 questions
-Tag 13 deviants. Make sure they know they are tagged 
-Don't say "You're tagged if you read this"
-It is forbidden not to tag anyone 
-No tagging back
 I do what I want indeed

13 facts about me 

1. I am really boring person, that's how I see myself.
2. I am pretty happy lately with special someone coming to me for week I am excited and I can't hide it!
3. I need music as much as I need air. It makes me feel amazingly inspired.
4. I am lazy bun...
6. I am patient one.
7. I really like bad puns :"D and science jokes xD
8. I really do love my friends <3.
9. I am listening to many gender of music.
10. I like sing alone stupid songs :"D.
11. I still like chemistry uwu
12. I have problems with remembering names but I remember faces :"D .
13. I really like to dance uwu

Klem's questions:

1. Do you like when it's raining? 
It depends on if I can sit with blanket and hot cup of tea I'm in love if.. it makes my head hurt I hate it

2. How to make "clean" arts? Like how??? (lately everything I draw is too messy to see a thing)
do not know,never been there XD

3. Is there a kind of pain you like (if it's too weird tell me if you were bitten by a dog)?
Yes, but more I was bitten by cats, but our cats do it gently and never use claws on us uwu

4. Do you value more aesthetic or message part of an art piece?
message is important but i like nice colors and composition <3

5. Do you exercise your hands/arms (to prevent wrist injuries and stuff)? 
I need to do it everyday (as part of rehabilitation) but sometimes my hand hurts mee to much :c and I am not doing it

6. What was your first ship ever? Do you still ship it?
oh dear Bulma x Vegeta i guess and yes <33

7. What's your comfort zone in art (or in life :'D)?
mmm... now not much things but before all stuff i was mostly drawing faces looking at left XD

8. What would have to happen to make you quit on meat (or if you're not eating it, then to start eating it)?
maybe i will try with new diet cuz I should do it for my health

9. Do you cry do deal with stress/sadness/other stuff or avoid crying by all means? 
sometimes but mostly into pillow but usually im dealing with stress when I play with mah cats <3

10. Is there kind of metal music you like (most)? 
industrial uwu

11. Did you watch/like Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame?

12. What is your favorite summer dish?
Fishes! <2

13. How often you're proud of yourself/your drawings?
lately, really rare feeling with art and myself.

Vanil's questions:

1. Which Hogwarts house do you belong in?

2. What are your favourite shows if you have any? 
Voltron, Haikyuu if Anime is okay, I do not havemuch time to watch:c

3. Winter or summer? 

4. Do you have favourite OC? 
I love all my babies, but some of them are more loved- and get hard life XD

5. Last movie you seen? 
Descicable me 3 (last weekend with my sister <3)

6. Movie you recommend? (or series. Or whatever)
hmmm... lately im into Voltron but Your name is really good movie uwub

7. Are you more of a giver or taker?
I like to give and still have problems with taking.

8. Which Disney villain are you similar to/ like the most?

9. Pizza preferences? 
pineaple pizza or with meat ♡
Where would you like to spend your holiday?
With my Waifu in some warm place, or just Japan!

11. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl with morning shift XD

12. Do you want to turn back time?
Yes I would do something different way but I wouldn't be who I am and maybe I wouldn't people who I know now so no. ;D

Explosion of the apocalypse. Are you trying to survive or do you prefer to die?
I will try to survive! 

My questions:

1. Who is your favorite writer? (or actor, if you're not into books so much)
lately Grzędowicz.
2. What about your favorite web comic? Ever thought of making one yourself?
Gamer cat, I want to do in future some oneshots with mizuchii with our bbies but it need to wait
3. What makes you feel like you suddenly got wings and everything is possible?
people who are close to me and making me feel that they helping me and think I am valuable person
4. What is the absolutely terrible decision you made lately?
getting tan with tapes and jumping with my hurting ankle XD
5. What is your favorite way (style) of dressing your OCs?
hmm casual/traditional japanese clothing
6. Do you have your favorite place on Earth?
hmm everyplace with my soulmate is my favorite place uwu but I really like forest uwu
7. Give me your best meme. The absolute favorite.
Salt bae or all science with this cat i1.ryjbuk.pl/377df632d71847747…
also one with "
8. Tea / coffee / hot chocolate?
9. Do you wear any pins on your bag? Which ones?
one with best derp from you and other one I have on Pyrkon with two chibi girls kissing uwu
10. What's your zodiac sign? How about MBTI type?
11. Do you have any gay OCs? Are they fabulous? :'D
yes but more bisexual and yes they are fabulous but I love to make crack au's with gay parings of canon parings it is too much fun for me and mizuchii to stop
12. If you could change one thing in yourself, what would it be?
that i would stop worring over all things i should not but guess what i am overthinking and stressing myself expert XD
13. What is your way to deal with laziness?
sleep off it xD

I wont tag because I can XD
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Im okay just made some present for someone really important for me but it will be a suprise so no names!
Also im in voltron hell, more like KLANCE HELL but im happy one!
[pl only]

Jeśli ktokolwiek z Was zastanawiałby się czy dobrym pomysłem jest zrobienie dla siebie mini artbooka albo dla kogoś to z całym sercem mogę polecić Saal-Digital Fotoservice www.saal-digital.pl/fotoksiazk…! naprawdę warto sama skorzystałam i otrzymałam oto piękny artbook, który będzie prezentem dla mojej wspaniałej Mizuchii, bez oznaczenia bo nadal nie dostała prezentu a to ma być  niespodzianka uwu!
link do zdjęć nie całych uwu
jedno co mnie zaskakuję to papier jest świetny, sztywny, gładki a kolory są idealnie oddane! do dyspozycji mamy przy projektowaniu intuicyjny program który w łatwy sposób pozwoli nam na wykonanie samodzielnie albumu uwu <3
całość jest prosta i intuicyjna! bardzo duże ułatwienie,dzięki czemu tworzenie projektu to sama przyjemność, jakość i wykonanie fotozeszytu, zaskoczyła mnie pozytywnie, okładka jest sztywna dodatkowo chroniona przez przeźroczysty plastik umożliwia ochronę okładki! z całym sercem polecam usługi tej firmy!
Dla każdej osoby szukającej, pomysłu na prezent lub chcącą sama sprezentować sobie coś wyjątkowego polecam utworzenie fotozeszytu, stworzenie własnej kompozycji,która będzie wyjątkową pamiątką!
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Citri-ne need help so if anyone could help please do :heart:
Thank you!
<da:thumb id="683214808"/><da:thumb id="683214808"/><da:thumb id="683214808"/>
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hey~! hey hey!
trochę mi się znikło ale jak pisałam w statusie 20.02 dostałam udaru prawostronnego niedokrwiennego jadac do pracy jestem po rehabilitacji i powoli wracam do zdrowia bo poki co nadal mam bole glowy a moja lewa reka jest jeszcze nie tak sprawna jak przed udarem a jestem leworeczna wiec to troche potrwa zanim wroce do siebie i cos wrzuce byc moze odwaze sie wrzucic rysunki ktore zrobie ale poki co wychodza paskudnie i bez kratki nie daje rady lapac symetrii wiec moze uda mi sie skonczyc jeszcze digital co zaczelam przed 20.02 ale tradysz poki co nieco lezy
na pyrkon jade z dokomi niestety sie nie uda bo musze miec pol roku bez lotow po udarze wiec jedziemy we wrzesniu na connichi lD taki jest plan nie   a poki co po 21.04 zaczynam dalsza rehabilitacje glownie kregoslup i moje stawy wkolanie i skokowy bo  okazalo sie ze mam hipermobilnosc stawow nie mam zespolu po prostu slabe miesnie ale czasem jak mi przeskakuja stawy kilka krotnie to boli dosc mocno wiec rehabilitant bedzie staral sie cwiczyc ze mna dalej na tobo mialam dosc duzo w szpitalu cwiczen ale przyjeli mnie z objawami po udarze z ktorych wyleczyli mam sprawniejsza dlon i  chodze prosto i noga mi nie trzesie sie jak galareta.
Hey hey hey
I kinda disappeared, but as I said in the update: I had a stroke on February 20th while on my way to work. Currently, I'm just out of rehabilitation and slowly getting back on track. My head still hurts and my left hand is not as reliable as before, so it will be a while until I upload any traditional art here. Maybe I can finish the digital ones I started on before the stroke, but traditional is hard for me (I'm left-handed), so I need practice and patience until I get better at it. The cause for the stroke was stress. My heart is alright, I had many tests done to me and my body is okay. Stress is something that can cause a stroke when its long term stress... I can still attend the polish convention (Pyrkon) I was planning to visit, but since I cannot board a plane, the Dokomi's off the list – so we are planning to go to the Connichi in September with mizuchii. That way, I can save up enough money and not put myself through the strain of traveling by bus or train (and getting everything booked last minute, too). "In the grand scheme of things, everything's better, but I was also diagnosed with joint hypermobility and getting more rehab starting April 10th, to strengthen my muscles. But! I'm fighting! My hand is getting better and my leg stronger, I can even walk straight now. It's going to be fine! So remember to stay healthy and take care of yourselves!

as always thank for mizuchii for helping me with english part xD
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Now Im mostly saving for new laptop,cuz my old broke down qwq so if anyone want to help me I will be happy!

Hello! Thank you again with ealier commissions! You really did help me! ❤ My spine is... okay? It's the best way to put it. I'm still between having surgery or not. So I'm extra careful with everything, buying pills, living slowly lD
Because of doctor appoitments, pills, bills and other adult stuff I want to dedicate this round of commissions to save up money for the Dokomi2017. Yes, it's November and I'm preparing for a convention that is in 7 months!
(I saved up almost enough for plane tickets lD)
It's also because I want to spend some money there, try to go to Pyrkon (Polish convention) in May and make cosplay of Iwaizumi
Haikyuu Iwaizumi Hajime - Angry  (and guess who mizuchii will be lD?)  Oikawa Talking Icon 

SO... that's why I'm opening commissions! This time it's not about saving my health, but helping me with my dreams, vacation and getting overhyped with my second Haikyuu cosplay. Yeah, I'm still not over this anime lD
So If you could help me I would be happy! If you can't or don't want to comission me, that's okay! I will also be glad if you could just make a journal/poll/tell someone about it.

Hej! Jeszcze raz serdecznie dziękuję za pomoc z poprzednimi komiszami! Naprawdę mi pomogliście! <3 Mój kręgosłup ma się dobrze? Tak, myślę. Nadal jestem na krawędzi pomiędzy operacją a nie, co spowodowało sporo zmian w życiu, zwolnienie tempa i zapas leków w postaci własnej szufladki :"D
Ze względu na dorosłe życie,aka rachunki, pokój a nie akademik, leki, lekarze, otwieram komiszki by zebrać fundusze na Dokomi2017, tak 7 miesięcy przed a ja odkładam lD (na bilet już mam prawie odłożone!) To też ze względu na to,że chce sobie coś kupić na conie, zrobić kolejny Haikyuu cosplay - tym razem Iwa-chan. Haikyuu Iwaizumi Hajime - Frustrated  (nie trudno zgadnąć kim będzie mizuchii lD Oikawa Talking Icon ) a także chcę zajechać na Pyrkon w tym roku!
Dlatego też jeśli chcecie pomóc ziemniakowi w spełnieniu marzeń, wybraniu się na wakację i znów bieganiu jak szalona za cosplayerami będę wdzięczna :"D
Jeśli nie chcecie/nie możecie mi pomóc będę wdzięczna za przesłanie tego w świat! <3
I kno,że ceny poszły w górę ;w; ale za każdym razem dostaje ochrzan,że za małe są...

I will be doing both! Traditional and digital comission!

  Paypal [Accept] by RevPixy



.: Smirk :. by yukifubuki

 13 zł / 5 $ / 5  



they can be with, or without simple backround

            .: Akemi :. by yukifubuki Meh by yukifubuki

 17 zł / 6 $ /6

  8 zł / 4 $ / 4


with aquarells

  .: Chibi Aya :. by yukifubuki.: Pretty Setter :. by yukifubuki.: COMM :. IgAgi Cue Chibi by yukifubuki

 CHIBI:  20 zł / 8 $ / 8 €                

 CHIBI:  9 zł / 5 $ / 5 €


 AT Aidie by yukifubuki  .: COMM :. Mizuchii Anneliese and Demdem by yukifubuki  .: COMM :. Lilanero  Moe Alicja by yukifubuki
      WAIST UP:  20 zł / 8 $ / 8

WAIST UP: 9 zł / 5 $ / 5

(one, to three colors done with ecoline)
(red,blue,green,violet,yellow,pink,dark violet,dark turquoise)

11102016 by yukifubuki3102016 (2) by yukifubuki30092016 by yukifubuki

Waist up: 15 zł / 5 $ / 5 €                
  6 zł / 3 $ / 3 €


with markers
Yuko by yukifubuki                         Alyssa by yukifubuki

FULLBODY: 22 zł / 9 $ / 9 €                   BUST10 zł / 4  $ / 4

FULLBODY:   10 zł / 4 $ / 4

Star! Note me if you want!
Star! I will start drawing after reciving payment!
Star! I take paypal (dla polaków możliwość przelewu)
Star! I will draw: orginal characters, fan art (but you should tell me series always!) , any ships you want, yuri, yaoi, nsfw
     (ask me if you want to see);
Star! I won't draw: pornography, mecha, furry, animals (i can try tho) ; with rest I'm good! but you can always ask me!
Star! I can ship it to you, but it would be extra cost, shiping ouside Poland, depends on where you living!
    ( Dla Polaków stała cena +5zł za przesyłkę )

No Star No Star  not paid
Star! No Star  paid
Star! Half Star  working
Star! Star!  done


1. klemthepotato Star! Star!
.: COMM :. klemthepotato Nikolaj and Jesper
.: COMM :. klemthepotato Cato and June

. IgAgI  Star! Half Star
.: COMM :. IgAgi Voysin waist up
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Tag why not uwu by yukifubuki, journal

Saale digital photobook ! by yukifubuki, journal

HELP! FRIEND IN NEED!! by yukifubuki, journal

semi-hiatus pl/eng by yukifubuki, journal

Commissions are ON Hold! by yukifubuki, journal